Some of this is right, but most of this is dead wrong...
I'll be the first to say, especially for those looking for wrestling to have another boom period, it's never gonna be because of countless 30-minute flipperific physical exhibitions by "serious" looking guys who can't cut promos... that's a fact. But that's not really what's dominating, the problem is that that's what all these "smart" fans wanna see and believe wrestling needs in order to be good. I think there's currently a fair amount of both- you have your high drama/"entertaining" storylines AND the in-ring heavy stuff. NXT for the most part is for the people who love all the super in-ring stuff, but that's never gonna be the dominant thing. When it comes to WWE, I actually prefer the "entertainment" stuff when it's done well- some of that shyt is AWFUL, but the good stuff is still good. I don't care how "serious" wrestling fans talk- if they're honest with themselves, most of them became fans through storylines and characters more so than workrate. They could use more of that, but I'm not gonna say they don't have it at all anymore. If you think there's none of that on TV right now, I don't know if you're watching.