Would you wife Meryl Streep for a guaranteed $1 million / yr ?

Would you wife for $1mm / yr?

  • Hell yes. Plus, she can keep me entertained for hours with her acting :noah:

    Votes: 67 80.7%
  • Hell nah. Money is great, but I’d throw up at the sight of wrinkles and age slots.

    Votes: 16 19.3%

  • Total voters


May 1, 2012
The catch is that you can’t smash any other bytches. If she finds out, you’re getting cut off, plus she’s clawing back all your money and then some for punitive damages. The money is deposited in an account that she has a lien on and she must approve all cash transfers and purchases over $10k.

And don’t think you can sneak and see hoes on the side. She has money and will have PIs following your every move and they cannot be swayed or bribed. She needs to have sex with you at least once a day, and this is a mandatory condition of the prenupt.

Once she keels over though, you can live your life as you please and get to inherit the rest of her fortune. Keep in mind though that although she’s old, she’s rich and white so she might be kicking another three decades.

would you wife this to get rich? :patrice:
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