A future with no Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh or Amy Coney Barrett sitting on the SC? More competent leadership during the COVID pandemic? No Jan. 6? The early death of MAGA? Hell yes, I am taking that deal.
This. Folks don't get it. I would give up every single game, movie, and all of that for life if it meant we never had 4 years of Trump.
People don't seem to understand that the US was turning the page with the election of Barack Obama. Still wasn't perfect, by any means. But bigotry and racism was being pushed to the far fringes of society. White folks were seeing the writing on the wall, that it was finally time for America to start at least TRYING to live up to its promise for every citizen, regardless of race, class, or creed.
America was in the 21st century, forreal, trying to do better. And the election of Trump rolled all of it back. Rolled us back to the 1960s.
Now we are out here fighting for the same rights that we had supposedly already gotten. Our right to vote isn't even guaranteed anymore. MAGA folks are out here in force trying to disenfranchise us.
And that's not even counting all of the (black) people who died during COVID. The damage that COVID did even on people who survived it.