some parents rather smoke with their kids then to be out in them streets with so called friends and somebody lace their weed with some other drugs. plus snoops a star for all we know suge got young undercover goons tryin to slide lil snoop some bud laced with crack.
You talk as if being drug free isn't an optionbad parenting breeds a horrific cycle.
Terrible way to look at this.its what it is.
its not like snoop son needs to get a job
That don't mean nothing so we didn't see his son smoke weed in that picture so you got no prove.
Terrible way to look at this.
go preach to them kids thats cheerleading for them kids thats killing eachother in Chacago.
i aint tryin to hear it...not over no damn weed.
No. Fathers don't partake in illegal drug use with their children.