Would You Seriously Date and/or Marry A "Pick Me?"

Flywin Lannister

May 4, 2014
Lannister Bloodline
So, let me first visually show an example of a classic "Pick Me:"

- typically overweight
- typically just cute
- typically low standards and lack of self-love/esteem.

The Coli's Definition of a "Pick Me:" A Black woman or woman who takes up or supports Black men.

The Real Definition or MY Definition of a "Pick Me:"
- a black woman or woman who wants a man so bad ; or is invested in keeping her man from stepping out - due to her "basic" homely status. A chosen "Pick Me" lives in fear that her man/husband and relationship can be taken away at any time - more so than the average woman.

- a trained mouthpiece for repeating the same ish she hears some Black men say about Black women.

- no matter what "A Pick Me" will side with a man even when other Black men don't agree with them. Her goal is male acknowledgment/validation, a compliment, her beloved "it's still good Black women out here" label --- and the BIG payoff -- that DM/Message leading to that late night call.

"A Pick Me" go-to tactic is called:

The Sleuthing Thirst Trap: she investigates the Black man, takes on/adapts his views on "females" and" "bytches" then she waits for her turn or hopes a BM will see "she's a great catch." Usually, a Black men likes her comments + viewpoints so he responds/reaches out -- she smiles ... then she makes her move.

"A Pick Me" success rate is interestingly really low - because men are visual - so her personality may be what some men would like.... cause they feel like they are with their homie -- but when they see pictures or her in-person -- a friendship is the only thing entered into -- or a "inside only" Friends with Benefits situationship. She usually agrees - but she wants more - so the "Pick Me" is back on the prowl.

Lastly, my view on dating: I date a lot. Every relationship I have even been in - I go/went through the dating phase -- 5-8 + dates - doing all types of stuff (events/concerts, cooking classes, working out together, museums, biking, parties, dinner, etc) - free and paid. I usually prefer the man to choose the date. I like surprises. They usually are creative dates where we get to know each other well. I only date those who enjoy and understand why dating and going out on date(s) are a mandatory step in getting to know someone who you are interested in.


So, I really wanna know - is a woman like the one in the video really attractive to you? Meaning her personality and her views? Do you think it's ok for a woman to act like that - using "nikka" and "bytch" every other word? Though a lot of you seem to like and take up for "Pick Me's" - would you really be with one?

Be nice please :smile: and leave my reps alone :smile:

3 minutes in I´m like ´What on earth is her point.. get to the point.. what is she trying to say?´. I don´t know what her point is.. something about how chicks shouldn´t expect dudes to wanna smash if they already smashed but the next chick or dude will want to smash?

All I hear is ´n-gga.. fukk... give some get some yknowmsayin.. you puttin´ it out there´

I´m like

about her, I´d never even entertain the idea of having a +1 minute conversation with her. Not based on looks, on whatever the hell she´s talking about being so unclear.

Purely based on looks: she is definitely not my type, at all, so besides a homie (not one with benefits) it´d never be more.

And pick me´s: I think the average nikka (except all The Coli nikkas.. they are all dating the baddest bytches ever, exclusively) settles for a pick me.

They want a 10, but settle for a nickle (look-wise).

Men are visual and want that bad bytch, at one point most give up and end up dating someone they are not 100.000% attracted to, hence prostitution being a serious money game. The demand comes from somewhere, and not from dudes with bad bytches readily available at the crib.

THAT SAID: beauty is relative and subjective. So TO ME she is not my type, but to others she may be fine.


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
pick me's are the female equivalent to simps. the same way a simp says "every man should wait months or even years, however long it is until a woman decides to give you some. And you should shower her with expensive gifts to show her you are worthy of her affection" and the entire coli universe bushes him. its like a pick me saying "every woman should give p*ssy on command, whenever wherever and do any freaky shyt and threesomes to satisfy him. And you should cook everything he asks you too cook" and black women bush her ass. See in both cases the opposite sex may applaud them and say how perfect they are and all men/women should be just like them, but for some reason these simps/pickmes are chronically single or cant hold onto a relationship for more than a few weeks or months. So everyone is telling them how perfect they are but they never get the results they are looking for. That usually turns into anger and resentment

Right! Seems obvious to me but people on code here and this is dangerous close to exposing finesse so I get why people acting slow.

On some yo keep ur voices down type shyt. Ya'll so wrong!:lolbron::russ:

Y'all trying to redefine what a "Pick Me" is. No one's playing dumb. Go on Twitter and express a somewhat balanced view on Black Men as a whole that runs contrary to some of these black women.

Go on there and instead of using "all black men" start using adjectives like "Some black men".

All that is "Pick Me'ism" in their eyes.

Yet it never applies to BW choosing men of other races.



Feb 12, 2015
Y'all seriously can't be this dumb :mjlol:

Also stop acting like "a ring" is a barometer of a ideal woman on a forum where #GMB is a hashtag.

Keep letting these hoes play to your ego til they get the baby, fancy wedding, alimony or green card they want.
Yo chill! We all speaking in code in here! U too loud with it :lolbron:


Feb 12, 2015
I was with you on your other quote but let's not go into bs statistics that prioritize demonzing the black race. There was just a thread on here a week ago that proved white women have just as much STDs if not more than everyone else in the population but due to private insurance it isn't documented.

Also, trying to tell black women we are least desired is some white shyt. I wouldn't care if Juan, Conner, Muhammad don't like me no way. They're opinion don't make me shyt. But when a suppose "black man" throws out that rhetoric you are no better than a white supremacist.

Least married is debatable and on shaky ground.

Point is you looking real funny in the light.
Shhhhh that's c00n fantasies ur arguing against. Blks really gotta stop internalizing white lies about our race and using them as race weapons.

It's like we adopt racist rhetoric to force each other into racial solidarity. Meanwhile I KEEP telling these dudes white men are Uber easy to get. But they put CACs on a pedestal and believe every word they say.