But we don't really know how shamed we should be now considering how dangerously comfortable we've gotten.If you're African American you already know the bullshyt your relatives were going through 200 years ago.
You speak to a relative from 200 years ago, look at his back and see the missing skin from being whipped at the hands of a white slave master and you may be ashamed at how much black on black crime is being committed and how we glorify it in our music& demeanor.
See how your(then 12 year old) ancestor's vagina has been defiled and we may open our eyes as to how society oversexualizes our black women.
It's like smoking...we know certain things are bad but we need a scare sometimes to actually put the cigarette out. We revisit our 200 year old ancestors...shyt would change... and in essence...
We will see our future...