Depends on what it smelled like. Mild doo doo aroma with brown beans post Qdoba bowl, ehhhh, I'd guve her a pass. Strong post Chinese buffet pre doo doo potential diarrhea aroma....
That's not a funny joke.
Depends on what it smelled like. Mild doo doo aroma with brown beans post Qdoba bowl, ehhhh, I'd guve her a pass. Strong post Chinese buffet pre doo doo potential diarrhea aroma....
i'm not talking anal either (although i do engage in it).
sometimes during vaginal sex, women will shyt themselves.
it does not happen all of the time, maybe 1 out of 5 times....but it's a normal thing.
yall need to grow up.
i've had several women accidentally shyt on me during sex.
it happens because that is part of what sex between adults is.
sometimes you get shyt on.
Nasty nukkas maneno your females need to grow up. if it feels like you gotta take a dump, I'm getting off you and letting you go to the bathroom then shower. Your girl probably like I gotta shyt, and you saying baby its cool. go ahead and shyt on me and then keep going. Dookie sheets and all.
Im crying lmaooono your females need to grow up. if it feels like you gotta take a dump, I'm getting off you and letting you go to the bathroom then shower. Your girl probably like I gotta shyt, and you saying baby its cool. go ahead and shyt on me and then keep going. Dookie sheets and all.
Depends on what it smelled like. Mild doo doo aroma with brown beans post Qdoba bowl, ehhhh, I'd guve her a pass. Strong post Chinese buffet pre doo doo potential diarrhea aroma....
Sex ain't perfect like the flicks, RANDOM shyt sometimes happen, just part of the human body doing bodily functions
this is why I love The ColiDepends on what it smelled like. Mild doo doo aroma with brown beans post Qdoba bowl, ehhhh, I'd guve her a pass. Strong post Chinese buffet pre doo doo potential diarrhea aroma....