This surgery shyt is demonic and has no use beyond fueling peoples insecurities. I have no problem and even support plastic surgery to help people with deformities and have gone through accidents. However there is no net benefit to Society by modifying human bodies to fit an unnatural beauty standard. These ig models getting shipped out are almost indistinguishable from trans women at this point.
The BBL, Filler, Steroid/Sarm craze will only lead to a “beauty” arms race in which people will eventually have to hop on to enhancements to make themselves sexually competitive. Tbh as someone who was born leaning towards handsome gang and got even better looking through exercise there is a benefit to growing into your looks. You naturally learn how to deal with the attention from the opposite sex and the pitfalls/arrogance that comes with it. A lot of these adults hopping on enhancements are just having a second childhood instead of dealing with the insecurity that lead them to want to change their appearance in the first place.
Just creating more hurt narcissists poisoning society smh.