Why so?
I hear you both on that and it would be ideal, but our communties aren't going to change their parental structure over night.
Even with two parents(rarity) in the hood where both of them are normally working 2 jobs just to stay afloat, there isnt any time to be more attentive in that scenario. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it would be for a single parent to do so.
Also, I worry that we are putting to much blame or responsibility on black families here, especially in comparison to white counterparts. Sounds a little like "bootstrap" talk. An engineering, medical, or upper mgmt white person often works 60+ hours just like the poor, but for higher wages. Their children excell because of high priced private schooling, not because of theoretical dinner table tutoring.
I've seen the same dynamic play out in black families as well. I have uncles in civilEng. and chemEng. who pull 60+ hr per week and come home to pass out on a couch. Same for numerous female nurses, pharmacists, and MDs in my extended family. Their children are universally placed in (usually white) private schools. My point is that the kids of these individuals often do well because of money, not because of checking hw at night.
Rather than forcing a black parent to shuttle their kids into a white school or pay for private school, why not provide incentive for BLACK teachers to fill the gap?
The genius is that the black community wouldn't have to finance this percentage tax on the front end.
In the past that was a valid argument.
But now the internet gives you access to anything you want to know and plenty of people that are willing to help you learn. The thing is kids just need a simple push.