Sidenote: Is Triple H the worst WM main event worker ever? Nothing but crap comes up when you think of Hunter and WM main events. I wouldn't say that he was ever in the worst ever WM main event, but out of 6 tries, he's had admittedly one classic match (WM XX), one decent match aided by great atmosphere (WM 22) and 4 mediocre to awful matches. Sid might be the only one worse with multiple matches under his belt (2, both mediocre to awful). Hogan had 2 bonafide awful main events (WM 2 and WM VIII), but everything else but his WM VII match were either really good matches or outright genre benchmarks.
Other than those 2, NO other worker has multiple bombs like Hunter has had in the WM main event.
The whole Bret/Yoko/Hogan deal was horrible too.
Absolute worst![]()
I can't believe they closed with Orton/HHH though.![]()
You're reaching hard to call HHH/Batista or the 4 way bombs, both those matches had the crowd heavily invested and were not poorly worked.
What was wrong with the entrance? I thought Randy just coming out and standing on the turnbuckle staring to the crowd was kinda bad ass. Dude was legit at that time.Really...the rko/hhh fued was white hot UNTIL ORTONS AWFUL...AWFUL entrance...and the first 5 minutes of the match which already had an rko and pedigree false finisher
i really love that buildup and hate that match
I don't even like HHH at all but there was nothing wrong with that match.
No one expected Taker/HBK to be that good and also considering how hot of heel Randy was at the time people expected more of a fight then a wrestling match.
What was wrong with the entrance? I thought Randy just coming out and standing on the turnbuckle staring to the crowd was kinda bad ass. Dude was legit at that time.
They put that dumbass stip on there that if Trips got dq'd he would lose the titleIt took forever, and looked boring and slow and dry when then fued was a BLOOD FUED when the psychology of the entrances and match did not speak to that at all. Orton had rkoed, and punted his father in law, brother in law, wife, kissed his wife in the mouth, hit him with a sledgehammer 6 days earlier...hhh had invaded his house...he had him arrested....then they just had.....a match
The rko/hhh should have been like the lesnar/hhh match where it started and they just began fukking each other up....