nah that’s not how he said it
so originally homie was alpo connect only
the connect falls off and alpo goes to rich connect
rich connect charges a good bit more for worse product but alpo has no other choice cause his connect fell off
so they start going half on the bricks which are a good bit more then what alpo was paying
alpo runs into his original connect and ask him “when you gonna shake back, I need some of the good work”, connect tells him, oh I been selling it to your man rich on behalf of both of y’all and it’s been the original price I use to sell it at also.
so let’s just a hypothetical number
say they were buying it from rich connect for 20k and they were going half on it, but rich runs into alpo connect who is selling it for 15 and starts to get it from, and at that point instead of telling alpo “I got the bricks cheaper now, you don’t have to pay $10k, you only have to $7500” he went along with jerk his man outta $2500 on every brick they brought together.
Also says he gave rich a couple times to come clean on it also.
that’s alpo break down of it, but alpo is probably a great lair, so who knows if it’s the truth