That I didn't tell the story?
I can't retell it like him and it wouldn't translate to paper anyway. Basically he was asked to do something that he didn't have to do according to his contract, he didn't do it, his immediate manager tried to make him do it, he refused and started going off on him listing all the other moral compromises he felt his workplace was engaging in, and the conversation got more heated to the point where someone had to come in and deescalate it. He quit on the spot but had to finish the last two weeks of the project but they were kinda scared of him after the outburst and worried about liability cause they were in the wrong with the violating contract shyt so they treated him with kid gloves the last two weeks and didn't really make him do anything he didn't want to do.
After that he became an independent contractor doing the same work but completely on his own terms only taking the contracts he believes in and he's a lot happier now.