When The Undertaker lost to Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania XXX, effectively ending "The Streak", it wasn't just WWE fans who were shocked – the WWE's staff were completely taken by surprise, too, including the referee and the commentators.
The Wrestling Observer has revealed a bunch of details regarding the match, the biggest being that only six WWE staff members knew what the outcome was going to be. Those six people were The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Paul Heyman and Vince McMahon, who orchestrated the result of the match himself.
According to the Observer, Vince believed that WrestleMania XXX would be The Undertaker's last match, and therefore made the decision that he should "put over" another of WWE's stars. That star was Brock Lesnar.
It had already been reported that the initial plan was for The Undertaker to lose to Lesnar at WrestleMania 27, before having a rematch at WrestleMania 28. However, Lesnar was still under contract with UFC, so that match was put on hold until WrestleMania 30.
It was initially speculated that the conclusion of 'Taker and Lesnar's match at WrestleMania 30 was a botch, given how shocked everyone involved appeared to be. However, the reason for this shock was that the commentators nor referee Chad Patton had been informed prior to the match that 'Taker would lose.
According to the Observer, Vince McMahon had the final say on whether or not The Undertaker's streak would end at WrestleMania 30, not 'Taker himself, though it's still uncertain when this decision was made.