
Women with Divorced Friends Are More Likely to Divorce Themselves - Gilmore Health News
Study shows the relationship between women who have divorced girlfriends and the increased likelihood of getting divorced.

The association between the divorce status of individuals and its effect within a friendship circle is essentially narrowed down to three possibilities:
- Influence, where one person’s divorce can influence another person’s choices.
- Homophily, which is more of a correlation than a cause-and-effect situation, here it is assumed that divorced people tend to find themselves due to a common ground.
- Confounding, where individuals jointly experience similar exposures that can increase the likelihood of divorce (McDermott et al., 2013).
In the study carried out in 2014, it was found that there was a significant relationship between a person’s likelihood of divorce when their friend was also divorced. In fact, the influence of friendship on divorce was so significant that it was also found that the likelihood of divorce did not just affect direct friendships but also indirect friendships i.e. individuals who get divorced, do not only influence their friends but also their friend’s friend (McDermott et al., 2013).

...Get Friends That Are Divorced, Brehettes