Women like this soon realize that this double-standard doesn't pan out well for long outside of men that just wanna bang, so they come to terms with reality soon enough.
Working in entertainment, I knew a cute little blonde (pointing this out to show that this double standard can be universal to all women) that was married to a Recon Marine with two kids. Dude was really athletic and successful, she was cute, and they had a relatively stable life together. He had generous hazard pay for his deployments and the family enjoyed excellent medical and dental benefits in comparison to the rest of the military.
Once she got into the acting game, I began to do a few commercials with her, but she was really cute so she began to really take off really quickly. Directors and producers were crawling over each other to get to her because she was a work horse and she was good looking. Then came the guys that were promising her even bigger and better things that she was getting already, but they wanted to take her to the casting couch and shyt. These were powerful men; those seven figure Hollywood power-player types. This cute girl from Oklahoma all of a sudden began to realize that she had broader options out in Southern California than she thought.
She ended up divorcing her husband to try and capitalize on the "opportunities" that were being presented to her. She fukked around a little bit, tried to pursue some of these relationships that were being offered to her, but in the end everything fizzled out because these dudes weren't trying to fukk with a single mother like that. She is now back in Oklahoma, divorced (for the third time, actually), with two kids. Her current boyfriend is a loser who spends all his time being a Ron Paul stan on Facebook. He's got a son himself. The "single parent" thing is what ties them together, and when she realized that this was all she was able to get, she learned her lesson.
I really wouldn't lose much sleep over this double standard.