Elle Driver
Millionaire??? Since when???we coulda made a good story
but u had to marry a afro cuban millionaire
Millionaire??? Since when???we coulda made a good story
but u had to marry a afro cuban millionaire
Millionaire??? Since when???
Cool. As long as you realize you are the exception and most people would not be honest if they thought that the outcome was unfavorable. Therefore making it an inaccurate and silly way to judge someone's worth.Or it could just come up in casual conversation... It has come up in my past relationships before and never in an environment where I had reason to feel like I was being interrogated. I would answer any question that someone I really liked asked me with as much honesty as I could. Especially something as past tense as sexual history
If you gotta lie about it that say's more about your character than any number of men or women that the person has slept with.
The thing I do not like is when people try to make certain parts of there history not as important as others. Its part of us and what makes us, I did some shady things as a youngster and if asked I'm going to be straight up, if it runs a woman off so be it. I've actually had more women go cold when I told them of the other side of the coin when it came to me which was my strong spiritual background and goals I had/have coming up before that.
I get what your saying, and much like when a woman ask "does this make me look fat" or "do you think she's hot" or a man ask if his height matters or "if he was bigger or better than your last boyfriend" you have to make a choice between white lie or truth when the situation calls for it. Tell them the truth gets you a lie gets you Most would avoid the drama and just tell them what they want to hear.
You sexual history is a bit different because it can be a real hangup for some people, and if we dont remember anything else we gonna remember every bit of sexual history info, and as soon as it doesn't add up its gonna be "I thought you only sleep with 7 people before me"
Girllllll.this is the coli. Im pretty sure that he is correct and yes your husband is a millionaire.
hean a millionaire
I'm fairly sure its more likely for a girl with a higher body count to cheap than a girl with a lower body count.So high body count =cheating. So you went through that experience and what you came out with is that she cheated on you b/c of her body count. You coli men are funny as hell. A person with 1 body can cheat on you dude.
Innocent? Ya'll love to play the victim. Lord how is someone a victim of something that has nothing to do with them? I have honestly never been asked that question and if I was I would answer honestly and move on. Asking this type of question says so much about a man. I've dated the type and there is nothing fun about. Life is too short to be with someone with sexual hang ups.That is bullshyt and you know it. If a person has nothing to hide and is secure with their self, then they wouldn't lie. Lying always makes it worse no matter the situation. Be honest with the guy and let him know your number and if you two are not at the same wave length then move on.
Instead what we have here is someone blatantly lying to cover their ass. A deep seeded insecurity like this is not healthy for a relationship. You spin this as much as you like by using the word "worldy" and "immature" but the fact remains the other party is innocent and you are the one masking a fact about yourself.
Life is too short to be with someone with sexual hang ups.
People are dishonest. If you have not learned that by now you are in for a rude awakening. People are self serving. You need to do your due diligence and you aren't getting the truth with the most obvious judgmental question on the planet. Takiing your time will take you farther than one stupid ass question.THIS.
These are the women you have to choose to find a wife from Doomed.
swear an oath of fidelity under god for which half your earnings are held as collateral to women comfortable with lying to your face everyday for the rest of your life brehs.
Don't have to guess real hard which side of this you fall on
I think your assuming you haveInnocent? Ya'll love to play the victim. Lord how is someone a victim of something that has nothing to do with them? I have honestly never been asked that question and if I was I would answer honestly and move on. Asking this type of question says so much about a man. I've dated the type and there is nothing fun about. Life is too short to be with someone with sexual hang ups.
You can't control people and no formula will tell you the future breh. People surprise me every day B.I'm fairly sure its more likely for a girl with a higher body count to cheap than a girl with a lower body count.
You can probably put this shyt on a bell curve.
Girls with really low body counts want to "explore" and "discover their sexuality", girls who have explored a bit want stability, and girls with high body counts are so used to being smutting out, that having random sex outside a relationship is normal.
You know exactly what I'm talking about, guys have been saying "its just sex" for years. At a certain point it becomes "just sex" both in and outside of a relationship, and that's when the cheating starts.
I'm friends with a few young thots and know this for a fact. 30+ body count before 21 for a guy or a girl yields the same results.
she was my friend on fb but she dropped me
but had me on her business one where she made decorated cakes and shyt
i was like bytch dont drop a nikka but try to use me for advertisement
You don't need stats to talk about sex. I don't need you to run down a list. Just tell me what you lIke. And yes I have dated dudes who put a lot stock in the number of partners a woman has. They just never directly ask me the number. But their attitudes come out in how they talk about women and sexuality and then general attitudes about sex. Again isn't not enjoyable to be with someone like that.I think your assuming you have
I just dont see how you can be with someone an not know there sexual tendencies, background and all. Maybe its because I'm a freak and opened minded. But at some point in a serious relationship I dont see how that doesn't come up unless one or both people know that its something that the other person probably doesn't really want the answer too.
If dudes are going on dates and randomly asking how many guys someone slept with then yeah that indicates a problem too me. Outside of that it really should be a big deal, its just part of getting to know your partner.