1. how uncomfortable would you be dating a guy who makes say 10-15 grand less than you?
2. how uncomfortable would you be if you had a car while he took the bus?
3. would this make you feel in control of the relationship and look at him like less of man?
1. the only way I'd feel uncomfortable if my lady made more than me was if I was contingent on her income to support my way of life. for instance, if I made 100K and she made 115K,
I would be
regardless of being with her or not.
but on the flipside if I made 25k and she made 40k, then I'd kinda be needing her to live.
2. for your second point, my sister and her husband only have 1 car. usually he drops her off at work, or she bikes or takes the bus. then again, my sister hasn't had a car on her own in like 7 years cuz she lived in an area that was so crowded, having a car was almost pointless cuz of the parking situation. and it's not like they can't afford a 2nd car. they just don't have one.