Was telling my pops the other day how much harder it is today for the average dude to lock down the local bad chick with the internet around, it not only jades their perspectives of themselves but it also kills their fortitude and emotional endurance. At the first bit of hardship they encounter they will start advertising themselves online sexually in some type of way to attract simps, tricks, and celebs who will go out of their way to finance their lifestyles.
And if you as the average dude can't do that then you're useless to them. They will bail at any sign of turbulence and they don't wanna build/grind up with a dude, they want the ready made product.
I know no chick wants to struggle or live any type of a hard life, that's understandable. But I have to say that back in the day alot of our parents and grandparents stuck with each other more through the hard times and endured because all they had was each other and over time that naturally blossomed into love & long relationships. Maybe the reason why these chicks complain today so much about their relationships is because it isn't built on anything real, it's purely transactional.