Yes ladies, I know you have to give birth for an x amount of hours, yes your split wide open and you bleed....I know all of the trivial stuff but lets be reality to a trillion, we as men are in just as much danger if not more. Let me list a few the risks...
1. If the chunk of the moon were to fall off and land the house and I was on top and giving you good loving, it would hit me first. sexism & health risk
2. It could be a set many times you heard of a man inviting a woman over to be robbed?
sexism & health risk
3. Pulling out of you could cause a charlie horse or muscle pull that could cause discomfort to the point where the breh has to miss work. You ever heard of a woman pulling anything except the check out of her purse at the clinic?
sexism and health risk
4. If the sexual performance on behalf of the woman is horrible and he is married to her it could lead to bouts of depression for the man which can lead to further complications and risks. Its disgusting.
There are like 80 more but i'm too hurt and besmirched to go on any further. This is a positive thread for positive people, I just want equality.

1. If the chunk of the moon were to fall off and land the house and I was on top and giving you good loving, it would hit me first. sexism & health risk
2. It could be a set many times you heard of a man inviting a woman over to be robbed?

3. Pulling out of you could cause a charlie horse or muscle pull that could cause discomfort to the point where the breh has to miss work. You ever heard of a woman pulling anything except the check out of her purse at the clinic?

4. If the sexual performance on behalf of the woman is horrible and he is married to her it could lead to bouts of depression for the man which can lead to further complications and risks. Its disgusting.

There are like 80 more but i'm too hurt and besmirched to go on any further. This is a positive thread for positive people, I just want equality.