Wow, she was only 18. There should be more compassion for her, really. I mean... the adult brain only fully develops at 25 (give or take), so although technically we're seen as adults/fully capable of making sound decisions, we don't have that full capacity as of yet because the maturation process takes a bit longer. Therefore, her decision to become a pornstar was obviously made on a whim, as she was not able to deal with the consequences thereafter. And when your brain isn't fully developed, you find it more difficult to look at things from a long-term perspective. You're more tempted in receiving instant gratification.
Obv, she tried to come across as 'strong' and accept her new label on social media, but she couldn't.. as deep down it didn't truly define her. I don't know why people find it difficult to understand that pornstars have a story, a life -- usually a broken one, outside of porn. It's sad that she felt the only way to shake the label off was by ending her life.
I don't condone her actions (porn or suicide) but I've learned that it's better to offer compassion rather than harsh judgement if we wish to help people. It is only through understanding and love... can we bring people closer to God. Imagine if people messaged her stuff like, 'You're body is sacred; You're better than this.. God has a bigger purpose for you. You have to believe in yourself!' and told her that she was more beautiful covered up etc. Where would she be now? Maybe in a different place. Never underestimate the power of your words. You can use it to help people or to destroy their soul.