Happened to me like 8 years ago. Stumbled out the club piss drunk and with some chick and the crackhead came up to me talking about he got digital cameras. I was trying to impress ol girl and bought one. Opened it up and it turned out to be this old ass camera from the 90's that still uses film. Even though I was drunk I could still feel that L.
I went to my friends house in highschool and he had a brick sitting on his dresser in his room. Not drugs, an actual brick. Out of curiosity I asked him why he has a brick and he tells me he was at the gas station a few weeks back and this guy was selling stereo equipment. Gave him a real good deal on an Pioneer deck. He said he was all excited to open the box up when he got home and when he did this brick awaited him. I still remember he was on the verge of tears when he was telling me this story too.