A nikka rolled up on me at the Gas station trying to scam me the exact same way, nikka had a real one in his hand and the ipad box in the car, asking if I wanted to buy..
I'm like nikka cmon![]()
I almost got scammed once
I was actually selling my old ipad on this site Free Kijiji Canada Classifieds | Free Ads | Petites Annonces Gratuites
I sold alot of sh!t on there..its all local so people come and buy your sh!t from you
but when I put up the ipad...I got all these text messages from these random numbers so im like

so I get a text and I think I was sellin the ipad for $400 cant remember. dude was like Im in florida but I want to send it to my family back home. so I'll pay the shipping and ill pay you $550 for it. just give me your email and Ill paypal you the money...somethin started soundin funny right there. dude just forkin up money for an old ipad....but whatever So I give this dude my email. and hes like ok now im going to email you paypal money request. man every 2 min he was texting me like "did you get it yet" "did you get it yet" so i text him back like breh, im at work right now calm down ill tell you when I get it.
he still textin me...so finally I check my email and I see an email from paypal and it says. once you send the item and provide the seller with the tracking number, the funds will be released into your paypal account. which again sounded fishy.
so i text him back and im like ok I got the request. then I asked him btw where am I shipping this to...he's like NIGERIA...

So I called paypal and Im like I got this email from you it looks exactly like a paypal email but it doesnt sound right its sayin for me to send the item before I receive the money. so they told me to send them the email. and they will investigate it...10 min later I get an email from them sayin yea its a fake email.

so I text him back and I called him a fagg0t and told him to fukk off and stop texting me
he's like "what I just send you my money, are you trying to rip me off?"