After reading the story, their story...
I cannot hate. They used "sandwiches" to further and deepen their relationship. While it's unconventional, it's still courageous and exciting. She learned to cook (some of the sandwiches weren't easy lol) and he helped.
It's what relationships are built on (chemistry and communication)...Their story, like my wife's and I is different just like ALL love stories...They are all beautiful and the fact that they actually married is like the happy ending. While I'm usually negative toward cacs and all that, (my experiences have given me clarity) I'm a HUGE proponent of LOVE and how it triumphs...
So props to both of them, I wish both a long and happy life together
I cannot hate. They used "sandwiches" to further and deepen their relationship. While it's unconventional, it's still courageous and exciting. She learned to cook (some of the sandwiches weren't easy lol) and he helped.
It's what relationships are built on (chemistry and communication)...Their story, like my wife's and I is different just like ALL love stories...They are all beautiful and the fact that they actually married is like the happy ending. While I'm usually negative toward cacs and all that, (my experiences have given me clarity) I'm a HUGE proponent of LOVE and how it triumphs...
So props to both of them, I wish both a long and happy life together