Didn’t they give him bone in the origins series too? I can’t remember
Len Wein's original idea was the claws were just in the gloves.
Claremont quickly nixed that and had the claws come out of Wolverine himself a few issues in when Logan broke out of restraints vs Sentinels. (Part of Claremont's slow build of his character revealing a little at a time).

Early on, the thought was his claws were something more mechanical (see Byrne's drawing of a Wolverine skeleton in panel 1 of this page from DOFP) developed by Weapon X and that's implied up through Windsor-Smith's Weapon X run in MCP.

But Wolvy w/ bone claws was actually part of Claremont's plan before he left the book, although his plans were to have Logan killed & resurrected by The Hand and be an assassin for them & a villain for a while. Part of that storyline was going to be a fight between him & Colossus where Pete rips out the claws from their roots and they eventually grow back as bone claws, implying they might have been that way from the beginning depending how he wanted to go with it. Good source on Claremont's plans before he left:

X-Men and X-Factor united
With Wolverine as the villain, Gambit as the betrayer, and Professor Xavier’s final battle with the Shadow King had writer Chris Claremont ...
Like usual, the post-Claremont writers took the 80 storylines Claremont & Simonsen had running through the backgrounds and drafted on them for years.
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