I hate this motherfukker Cena
It's not real, damnit. :belip:
I hate this motherfukker Cena
at Steph thinking that WrestleMania ever being bigger than Super Bowl. One event is usually the most watched event of every year. While another event was lucky enough to be the Top 5 in most watch PPV before 2 two years ago.
that nikka Reid OD'd a lot holy shyt
the comparison itself legitimizes WM
Bryan did an interview with the Washington Post where he said that he doesn’t consider himself a great wrestler anymore. When asked about his current role, he said, “I don’t consider it wrestling. I’ve done wrestling everywhere. And just by being a good wrestler you can become popular, but not here. It’s more important to be entertaining than it is to be a great wrestler. It’s fascinating to me. Some things just stick. Why it happens, I have no idea.”
Fandango situation on Raw was something else. A bunch of fans from the UK and Ireland got the singing started and it caught on to the point that people were singing it throughout the show, after the show, in trains and in the parking lot, and even honking the song on their horns as they left. Both Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn thought it was the best thing ever, and so at the end of the show after Raw ended they had John Cena talk about the Fandango love and then production hit Fandango's music as the crowd filed out. Unfortunately for Fandango fans, there was none of this excitement at the Tuesday Smackdown tapings in Boston, and one person who was there said he came off on the show as any other midcarder. It should be noted that at Axxess, his dancer was Summer Rae, a beautiful blonde from developmental. She was only accompanying him that one day, so I don't know if it was just a one-time thing, a chance for her to make an appearance, or if it was a tryout and they figured, hot girl, can't dance.
I read the first post then after that.................
You actually expect me to read all of that 1000 pages novel?
@Roid Jones @BeefWellingtonThe2nd @Riley Escobar @QueensEnglish @The Push Man @PYRRHUS 88
The good people of Dirty Jerz for hostin our fellow peeps
If RVD comes back, he's gonna be a str8 up jobber.