May I ask what made you draw the line at 14 ?
1) One of my earliest sexual memory is that of a 13 year old friend of the family trying to get me to finger her, and her massaging my penis, when I was only 6 or 7 years old...She told about a game called "mommy and daddy"...
2) According to some Canadian stats I read, the majority of girls lose their virginity at age 15, and the majority of females that I have spoken to, I have told me they lost their virginity at 15...
3) In Canada around 2000, the age of consent was 14 years old, it's only recently that they bumped it up to 16 or 18, I am not sure...
When I put this information together, I hypothesize that females start becoming sexually aroused/awaken, in the sense that they start thinking about engaging in intercourse or other sexual acts, at about age 13...
This is still considered a reasonable age in other parts of the world...
I believe a human being, if given the proper education and upbringing, has enough sense to explore their sexuality at age 14...I think the brain is old enough to begin responsibly exploring that aspect of life...
I think sexually deviant and risky behaviour starts when society deems sex taboo, and makes it difficult for people to express their sexuality without feeling shame...
Shame is VERY detrimental emotion...