Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
For what? With the money you can access to, it all goes with the territory.
Just because you can!
For what? With the money you can access to, it all goes with the territory.
You wouldn't need to be the latter if you're already the former you.....I wish I had Killgrave's powerset. I'd be the wealthiest prolific rapist of all time.
You tellin me someone who is almost (or basically is) a god, would choose to help random people for no reason?
It don't matter how humble my beginnings were, ain't no way I'd choose to be a superhero.
Not saying i'd go full out villain, i'd help when I could and felt like it, but i'm not making it my duty on this planet to help all the time
Just because you can!
@CinnamonTequilaThe entire island of Hispaniola would be Haitian territory and then we coming for France next
I'd just be like nah the fly awayit wouldn't be pretty. Can you imagine the lawsuits and people trying to trap you?