Is Liggins the fukkING GOAT

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African American Queen
Jul 16, 2013
Locker room
I've already been exposed so I have nothing to lose lol.

Seriously tho, too many women have come to me complaining about creeps.

I know to be wary of overly friendly people. You have to build a rapport with me. But some of the people on this site don't just troll. nikkas is really crazy.

That said, there are a lot of sweet guys here. @Fonsworth @realdarkphoenix even @Bless't

There really isn't much to do but be careful. But what about repeat offenders, what should be done? Can something be done?

They target new females who don't know any better.

I think they might just be socially awkward, like KentTV. Simp you in pms then threaten to expose you or call you names when you not with treating the coli like a dating site. :dahell:
yea I don't trust posters up here that's why I'm firm with not giving out personal info. The only people I trust up here is you for one and some other people (not gonna name everyone)

There is a certain poster that wants to be nice in pm's but is mean on the actual board :mjpls:.


Too tired to think of something witty to say...
Jun 10, 2015
No offense but this ain't no fukking dating site. For the most part I don't even get into that pm stuff and don't see why other do either. I once did it with @trilldealbaby and @agnosticlady but that stuff would never come out and it wasn't even anybody trying to get with anybody stuff either just stuff that was pm worthy. shyt that's why I always telling folks beware of these sucker nikkas. Say whatever you want with me but I keep it 100 love it or hate it always. Dudes turn transformers over a chick but I'm pretty sure most of,them dudes post like suckers too so y'all shouldn't be fooled. It don't give dudes the right to do that but if I was y'all wouldn't even get comfortable with us on here cause chances are we ain't meeting up anyway.
I feel you :ehh:. I'm pretty sure not any of us ladies including myself are treating the coli like it's POF or E-Harmony. We are here to voice our opinions and have fun.

In my post I'm saying in a round about way is they shouldnt come in being all nice and sweet when have they have other intentions.
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Jun 19, 2012
The 215
I feel you :ehh:. I'm pretty sure not any us of ladies including myself are treating the coli like it's POF or E-Harmony. We are here to voice our opinions and have fun.

In my post I'm saying in a round about way is they shouldnt come in being all nice and sweet when have they have other intentions.
I been trying to tell chicks on here and IRL better to trust someone like me who you will hate for being real because I'm mean, disrespectful, whatever else people have called me than these candy cane ass nikkas that are too nice only off the fact you a vagina. If you don't treat people the same (with the rare exceptions of course) I look at you as phony straight up. Tbh its a cat or two in this thread I look at that way but hey people use that game I'm not down with all the time.

Also that's the calling card of the no game hustler to act super nice because IMO they have nothing else to offer but its weird to me because how often are you meeting up with people online? Hell I go on that chat thing at times and that shyt is the worse so I couldn't even imagine meeting most of these cats IRL. You as a female should know the faux nice guy routine by now lol


Mar 2, 2015
I thought you was done replying fakkit? How can I pay rent when I own my home? :francis: Try again failure. Maybe your sorry ass family don't know what owning a house looks like but over here that's the norm. Keeping copping polo talking a it the next person buying name brand stuff though. Don't be mad because I was born into a better situation than you. :umad:



Dec 21, 2014
I'm outta the loop, but I turned off my pms recently..... But I'll turn them on if someone wants to tell me what's going on. :feedme:
Although I think I have a clue.... But I could be wrong.

You should be. :birdman:
me either.

you rang? :shaq:
Just kidding.

Why isn't there a female group? If someone opens one, I'll join.
i have no idea what incident sparked this thread but we cant have a female group because everything said in what is supposed to be private, gets exposed to male posters that certain females are buddy buddy with

No offense but this ain't no fukking dating site. For the most part I don't even get into that pm stuff and don't see why other do either. I once did it with @trilldealbaby and @agnosticlady but that stuff would never come out and it wasn't even anybody trying to get with anybody stuff either just stuff that was pm worthy. shyt that's why I always telling folks beware of these sucker nikkas. Say whatever you want with me but I keep it 100 love it or hate it always. Dudes turn transformers over a chick but I'm pretty sure most of,them dudes post like suckers too so y'all shouldn't be fooled. It don't give dudes the right to do that but if I was y'all wouldn't even get comfortable with us on here cause chances are we ain't meeting up anyway.

dating site?

its one of the very few black american orientated message boards. im sure most of the ladies are just here to have fun and some "lively" discussions and laughs. its crazy that ive been called a bytch more times on here in 6 months than in the previous 15 years in real life.


All Star
Nov 21, 2014
There this guy that keep pming me. Like nikka stop pming me and go outside and find a girl. Like three days he try to pm me for some strange reason. He did not come off disrespectful, but weird. There are three guys that I pm and trust. They know who they are.

I hope the new posters are aware of the SIMPs/creeps. They will expose you if you share a certain picture/info.


AL loves da kids : )
Jun 15, 2015
No offense but this ain't no fukking dating site. For the most part I don't even get into that pm stuff and don't see why other do either. I once did it with @trilldealbaby and @agnosticlady but that stuff would never come out and it wasn't even anybody trying to get with anybody stuff either just stuff that was pm worthy. shyt that's why I always telling folks beware of these sucker nikkas. Say whatever you want with me but I keep it 100 love it or hate it always. Dudes turn transformers over a chick but I'm pretty sure most of,them dudes post like suckers too so y'all shouldn't be fooled. It don't give dudes the right to do that but if I was y'all wouldn't even get comfortable with us on here cause chances are we ain't meeting up anyway.

I do not see eye to eye with you on everything, but you are definitely correct. I had someone PM trying to blackmail me if I didn't send him some personal information. Too bad he didn't have anything important or crazy to blackmail me with. I used to think that some people just troll on here, but there are some sick people on here.


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
There this guy that keep pming me. Like nikka stop pming me and go outside and find a girl. Like three days he try to pm me for some strange reason. He did not come off disrespectful, but weird. There are three guys that I pm and trust. They know who they are.

I hope the new posters are aware of the SIMPs/creeps. They will expose you if you share a certain picture/info.
Exactly, but if you say hey you're doing too much they get mad because in their minds they are just being a gentleman/ nice guy and "women these days don't appreciate nice guys. They all want thugs."


AL loves da kids : )
Jun 15, 2015
I've already been exposed so I have nothing to lose lol.

Seriously tho, too many women have come to me complaining about creeps.

I know to be wary of overly friendly people. You have to build a rapport with me. But some of the people on this site don't just troll. nikkas is really crazy.

That said, there are a lot of sweet guys here. @Fonsworth @realdarkphoenix even @Bless't

There really isn't much to do but be careful. But what about repeat offenders, what should be done? Can something be done?

They target new females who don't know any better.

I think they might just be socially awkward, like KentTV. Simp you in pms then threaten to expose you or call you names when you not with treating the coli like a dating site. :dahell:

Real talk. Anyone trying to expose anyone whether it be male or female should be IP banned.
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