their are laws against harassment, unlawful entry, restraining orders, all types of laws that are made so people have right to privacy and being left alone. None for keeping to yourself or not bothering people. You know what I am saying.
Being nice to women doesn't work is an excuse. Being nice won't cost them anything, but for women it could cost them a lot. Guys have no idea what it is like to deal with lecherous stares, lewd comments, be followed and guys who continually peruse you after you have said no. I went to get food yesterday by myself I wasn't supposed to but it ended up that way. Guy at the register was flirting I laughed it off was nice. The whole time I was waiting for my food I could hear him and his co workers talking about me loud, making noises with other customers in the place. After I got my food and was walking out I heard more and him saying I need to come back and he was off tomorrow etc.. It was embarrassing. I didn't finish my errands I just went home. Now had a cursed him out and had a stank attitude what would have happened