The game has been kinda messed up for a while.
It sucks because closed mouths don't get fed and unfortunately women have to be on the other end of a constant barrage of bullshyt.
Brothas and sistas need to have some sort of unwritten rules that each other follow within their own groups and with each other. Street harassment is a real thing but I don't think it should eradicate the age old "art" of approaching a woman you don't know and introducing yourself.
Men need to check one another when it comes to harassing women on the streets. Catcalling, touching, invading personal spaces, following and not taking "no" for an answer is

Keep it moving breh and let her live. Most people don't like be approached by strangers and you can kinda tell if an invite is there. If you approach, be cordial and not a corny creep.
Women just need to check the ones in their group who do the game of "playing hard to get". That throws a wrench in the whole dynamic. I've seen millions of times where a woman
will be straight up rude and dismissive to a cat that is trying to holla. And the dude may be following or up in her space for a while. Most cats with a little pride would have tapped out but these kept on. After a while, the dude breaks the wall, gets the girl to go from



and gets the digits or takes the girl home.
I've seen many instances of this and the guy ends up getting the girl.
Men have always had to be the ones who approach women first. A lot of women aren't brought up or built to approach and handle that rejection. Because you can get humbled real quick approaching.

All the women I've dated and been in serious relationships were from "street hollers." Just be observant and respectful of your fellow human being and things will be alright.