In addition to their current oppression, which is somehow the black man's fault in a society and business world black men have little influence and no control over. In every country on the planet--except in black countries--black females are on the bottom. In Arabia, the bottom. In Europe, the bottom. In America, the bottom. i guess the black man talks shyt about black women in every language -- or else the truth, which is that non-black men think black women are inferior apes, exactly the same as black men. And the black man did not them anything.![]()
White propaganda. I looked at the table and black women only marry down 10% less than white women.
The above graph says that black women make up less than 1% of all female scientists and engineers in the USA. As a percentage Black females would have to be 6% of the female scientist and engineer group to even say that they are reaching the same level of success as other groups of females.
Anyway, I commemorate black women for their devotion to education but let's not misrepresents facts in order to push agendas.![]()
[please, only relevant and thoughtful replies. no one sentence nonsense. argue my points, nothing else].
Everywhere humans inhabit, patriarchy and misogyny exist too. Patriarchy is ubiquitous and implacable. Where one man's patriarchy falters, another man's patriarchy lives. All of us are slaves to that man's patriarchy in the same way we are slaves to that man's rules and laws. In fact our slavery to that man's patriarchy is represented by our slavery to the aforementioned rules and laws.
Furthermore, the nature of this societal slavery is that in spite the fact we are all servants, some of us serve more than others. That is to say, though every individual man is a slave to a wider patriarchy's parameters, some of us have more privilege and more power within it than others. As such, a hierarchy exists in every patriarchy like a hierarchy exists in every animal kingdom. We can no more run from this hierarchy than a fat rat from the claws of an eye. Accordingly, blacks can no more run from the fact we're at the bottom of hierarchy than the rat in his own. Thus it is no surprise blacks are derided and shunted to the bottom of every society but our own. No animal is king in any domain but his own. So now that we've established the omnipresence of patriarchy, let us now discuss the necessity of it.
Patriarchy is as necessary to human existence as war, and the former follows the latter. One man's patriarchy keeps another man's patriarchy at bay the same way one country's weapons' stockpile keeps another country from attacking. As a people's control over their own country best benefits them, so a different people's control disenfranchises those native people. Thus,patriarchy an integral and necesary part of human societies. For without your own patriarchy--with your own military--you are like to succumb to the patriarchy--or thet military power--of another. And there is no better master, no better steward, of your life and your own society, than you. For it is when another man's patriachy--whether it be the white man's, or Asian's, or Arab's--monopolizes and colonizes you, you become a slave to them, rather than a master of your own self.
The above considered, there is no sense in black women fighting their own male's patriarchy, however sexist and brutal that patriarchy may seem. The alternative is another man's patriarchy, and the racism, brutality, genocide and hierarchy that comes with it. Moreover, in terms of progress, every group of women's empowerment follows their men's -- for better or worse. If black men are wealthy and powerful and respected, black women are too. If black men are not, black women are not. All this considered, why do women fight all patriarchy and put womenhood before heritage? Do they not understand patriarchy?
Do they not understand that as much as we hate, we need it?
Found this on the "This fight leg to police beating black kids in McKinney" YouTube comment page:
"oh, I guess all those young black youth in our prisons today are fake? There are more young black males in prison than in college today.
That's the fact. Another reason why young black college educated females are marrying white educated men because they want a better life. A life void of welfare, food stamps and unwed babies."
Now besides the fact more young black males are in college than in jail, the above bolded statement is yet more evidence bedwenches are just anti-black pawns white racists intend to use against black men as a show of racial superiority. Racists watch the black men-women feuds and delight in it. This comment got a bunch of likes. Like many have said, including @@Mowgli and @@Premeditated , Bedwenches are merely white supremacist dogs.
Men are different to women. White men have historically dated out too -- but never allowed white women to date out because men and women are different. Slaveowners fukked theirslaves one one hand and brutally tortured slaves to death on the other. Like I said, men and women are different.
White females can't actually hurt black people though. They need white men to enforce anything. As such I question how white women are "racism's secret weapon". Racism has no edge when there is no steel.
No, he is correct. Studies imply black females have the lowest overall respect for black men.
This is a poignant post. Studies actually support your notion. While many black women rank black men highest in attractiveness, many black women also rank black men lowest (or almost lowest) in overall desirability. Ergo black women like black men only on a superficial level, similar to white and other kinds of women. Suffice to say, beyond the shell of the black man's body, some black women simply do not value black men at all. This is why black men must put so much effort into things like swag and physicality, because without those things black women show no interest. Those things change a black man's phenotype, which mediates black women's (and white and Asian and w/e) nominal interest in black men.
Brehs have to realize the truth: black women are not our "allies" per se.
They are just the next convenient prisoner shackled to us in this grand prison called humanity. Our common imprisonment gives us the illusion of allied fellowship, but it is a cognitive mistake to think black women share the same goals as us simple because the two genders are born shackled together at the heel.
And when the riot breaks out and it's time for us to escape, we have to drag and fight them along with everything else. The cac man dragged white women everywhere he went too so we're not the only ones.
If Barkley did say that, most famous black men don't say what Charles Barkley said so what exactly is your point? Find me a list of relevant black stars that have insulted black women like Barkley did.
I wish you happiness in the arms of a non-BW, no bw needa this aggravation.