And if were putting sex in the same category as breathing,eating, or sleeping, then why do men and women place such a high value on it if it doesn't mean anything?
Eating is a high value activity imo, done daily, necessary for survival. Sex isn't necessary for the survival of an individual but it is necessary for our species. My point is most humans are sexually active to some degree or another and are genetically designed to be sexual beings.
Women have used the p*ssy to get gifts,money,attention, and all types of shyt from men, so it has to mean something.

be better than sounding like a fukkboy you seem like a smart dude. The issue with this is "the p*ssy" is not an object

it's not a voodoo box to suck men's souls and wallets. The issue is men seem to struggle with turning down sex and do all god awful things to get it and then get mad at the girl after they get the nut

now it's a evil worthless thotty woman who used her p*ssy to get a gift as opposed to a nikka gave her a gift because he was enamored with the p*ssy

I think some men deflect their own shame and inadequacies onto women....and it perpetuates bc other bytch nikkas support it

like yeah breh fukk that bytch she took my money for her p*ssy that slut.....that's fukkboy talk bc she ain't rob nobody
A man wouldn't go that far, if he didn't see any value in it, and a woman wouldn't use it to her advantage if there wasn't any value in doing so either. She'd be out here fukking without thinking of getting anything in return for it. It would be an equal exchange. But we know that isn't the case which is why the game is alive and well.
Think about this part. How casually women are depicted as sexual receptacles. You just acknowledged the one sided male views on sex. Women are for sexual use. Not for benefiting from their own sexuality in any way, financial or otherwise. Take that dikk, only that dikk and love it brehettes
I believe why sex is part physical and part spiritual. But for the sake of this shyt being too long on some metaphysics shyt, I'll stop there. But I definitely believe it is tied into self worth.
I mostly disagree, your choices reflect your self worth definitely (including sexual ones) but to say people with high self worth pick low sex and people with low self worth pick high sex is crazy to me, that's imposing your own ideas on to someone else SELF worth measurements.
There was a time in my life where I had a low opinion of myself and I was lacking in self worth. And because I had little respect for myself, it spilled over into my relationships with women where I would be disrespected and cheated on.
Not to mention, I did my share of doing women dirty as well. And I had such a negative view of myself that I allowed that to spread and I hurt some good women in the process. I didn't value my mind, I didn't value my body, and I didn't value the women I slept with. And I've been with damaged women. I've been with women who have been molested, women with low self esteem who would sling nikkas the p*ssy in hopes of keeping them around and everything else in between. And most of the problems stemmed from a lack of a self worth.
Now are they're females out there who don't have a shytty past who happen to love fukking? Absolutely. Now how many of those females are gonna claim their shyt though? Not many because their is a perceived value in women not fukking alot of dudes. It's that exclusivity of getting something that few people have access too. And human beings have that relationship with alot of things in the world.
From that perspective, I don't think it's insecurity as much as it is perceiving something as valuable. And in that regard men and women attribute value to the p*ssy in varying degrees.
Holy fukk this shyt was long damn!
I'm glad you worked through your personal issues.
Youre basically making the it's value because of novelty argument, value is also determined by supply and demand. Everyone in America uses oil - doesn't mean it's not valuable. It's still about male insecurity, men don't want anything they think another man has had due to discomfort with perception and comparison.
It was long as fukk but no worries