You can not get an abortion at 6 months and a man has just as much responsibility as a woman. she didn't get pregnant on her own.
bullshyt... cause he can't even control what happens
It's only 50/50 at conception. Afterwards a woman has up to 6 months to realize she has made a mistake and abort. Therefore a woman deserves 99.9% of the blame for unwanted children and being single mothers. If men had the time and ability then most of these problems wouldn't exist. But hey y'all will make excuses and act like what I'm saying isn't true.
i been saying this forever... the moment you nut, as a man, you lose ALL rights to that child until it's born
lets look at the facts of a girl getting pregnant
a man wants the baby, offers to pay everything and do everything for that child, even take 100% custody....
she can still abort that child without so much as having to ask him what he thinks
a man doesn't want the baby... he doesn't have any money.. he doesn't want to be a father.. he doesn't want to be in this at no point and time and will even sign away all his rights......
she can still have that baby and take 60% of his check without so much as one word of say from dad
then when it comes to you BOTH wanting the child... women win like 90% of custody cases... with no other reason present besides "she's a woman" which should be illegal as fukk cause that's sexism if i ever heard it...
she'll get the baby cause she's a woman regardless if she breast feeding (the only thing he can't do) working, former drug addict, current drug addict, got 8 other kids.... don't fukking matter.... you ain't got any type of shot
so nah.... men are definitely at a MAJOR fukking disadvantage from day 1... and have ZERO say in whether you have that baby or not
and most women know exactly what that man thinks of the baby, the second they tell him.... then they still act retarded and have the baby.... then turn around and get mad when he ain't there when he told you not to do it cause he wouldn't be there 9 damn months ago
and this is coming from a good father with a good father... i just know if a few women in my life, weren't smarter about choices, i'd be in a cardboard box, with too many kids to finance, being called some dead beat... cause YOU chose to have a baby you know i didn't want