again men are already held accountable for it by the court.
with the system, biology, and medicine on your side how in the hell does the responsibility not fall in your favor? we've already been telling men to do better, when are we going to get on women?
Women are shamed for everything they do if it involves sexuality in any way. We have been being told to do better. I don't know where you all get women aren't shamed, every other word out of your mouths is hoe and slut and smut for a woman who behaves the same as you do (or would if you had the chance) sexually.
How is biology not in the favor of men? You can literally go out right now and have a minimally invasive, reversible procedure done to make you incapable of having children even with raw sex. And then when you are ready to have children, you can reverse it back. Yet men still cannot be held accountable for not having kids they won't be willing to take care of?
In the heat of the moment men can run to a corner store and buy a condom that is 98% effective in preventing pregnancy. They don't mess with your hormones at all and you don't need a prescription to get them. Yet men still cannot be held accountable for not having kids they won't be willing to take care of?
The thing is women are showing they are willing to take care of these kids, men are not, so at least logically it makes sense that women are becoming pregnant. But how the heck are men who don't want to take care of any kids kids still giving women the opportunity to have them??