Black women in general are single mothers even when the man is present. Even before this slavery. That is why they are not phased by neglect or half ass responsible men and move on because one monkey doesn't stop a show. They are mainly interacting with the children, cooking, doing homework, PTAs, after school events, doctor's appointments or the kids are around the mom's family mostly. If dad does work (and mama works almost always) he may pay some bills (and generally he is shyt with money, look at the economic state of many black households, even the "middle class" are in debt and working poor) and throw a football every now again, or try to spank them or perhaps take a family photo to give the illusion of a cohesive group. Basically he is just "in the house." No Cinderella stories, you have to save yourself. Old black women tell these young girls that if they ever have a baby, that baby is 100% yours and if you are in a relationship, it will be 80/20 responsibility. Men back in the day were not much different than today except they worked because production jobs hadn't been transported across seas and Hispanics were limited to the barrios and migrant work in West. There are exceptions of course. Even in Africa you can see these chicks farming with their babies on their ass and the men are like lions no accountability/responsibility while the lionesses put in all the working for the pride. Mind you I am from a multi-generational nuclear black American household, if that makes a difference. Reason why you see more glammas because new generation women don't put up with the foolishness of their ancestors.