Here's where you get on the bullshyt. I didn't say that. I was explaining why your claim that most black barber shops have an anti-black woman vibe is silly and completely untrue. In fact, you comparing "the coli" to a black barbershop is somewhat invalid because a lot of coli posters aren't even black men. You don't know who these people actually are here yet you insist upon us in this site as some kind of indictment on black men.
Again, this claim isn't based on anything valid. You pulled this right out of your ass. If anything, a young boy will learn respect for women in a black shop. You can't even curse when women are present in black shops.
You're completely ignorant and full of shyt. In all my experience in black barber shops over the years disrespect for black women was not tolerated. You can't even curse when black women or children are present in the shops that I've been in over the years without being checked "watch ya mouth". I don't know what kind of shops you're talking about. Black women certainly aren't talked about like pieces of meat in the presence of children and teens in shops ran by grown black men. Sure you'll get the appreciation type looks/comments when attractive women enter/leave the shop but it certainly doesn't rise to the level of hate like you initially claimed.
I notice how you moved the goal post too. First you claimed that there's black woman hate at black shops now you seem to be talking about misogyny

c00n/agent status my dude.