This is the modern world.
Young men of today were raised by mothers and fathers telling them that being a good person, trying to achieve them would get them a nice women, but women are doing those same things so what do you have to offer besides that.So women are choosing A lot of guy, especially young men, really don't have anything to offer if they don't got shyt together or money. A lot of guys are just boring by modern standards, or lame (I'm one). So they can't make up for theri lack of status or charisma. So, the excitement addicts that we know women are, overlook them.
So, guys complain. Some change themselves. Some opt out on the whole. Some just focus on different aspects of their lives.
Not complaining is not going to change this scenario.
At the end of the day, the relatively few attractive men can't wife up all these chicks anyway.
These chicks are going to have to look in the direction of these 'complainers' sooner or later. Or not.