My objective on here its not to shame BM to date out
@Action Mike. Actually, its quite the opposite.
Its to encourage BW to stop feeling entitled to BM and to think that sharing a race or skin colour makes you kin.
I want BM to tell BW that they are not only interested in them but other girls too. I want BM who dislike BW to say it liyd and proud, i want BM who never plan on pusuing relationships with BW to go ahead and say why, etc...
Essentially i want every BM to be honest with himself and no longer sugarcoat to spare BW feelings.
From there, I want BW to be face at a crossroad adapt or die. There's more I will add...
I want BW to realize that black power/black family is not a priority for many men and if they think that will get them the man of their dreams they are kiding themselves.
I want BW that 2015 isnt the year of interracial and kissing white mans ass but should be the year of BW soul searching. Many BW will discredit these comments as him hating or being a loser. No he doesn't like you and is no longer ashamed to say it.
I want BM to be with whom they want to be with and not feel obligated, forced or coerced to be with women they have no interest or couldnt care less about.
That leaves the BM who truly love BW. I want BW to face the forest from the trees....i want a new black woman. A more evolved BW for 2016 and plus years...
I want BW ro be desensitized ro what BM choose to do with their sexual organs, money, etc...and with whom. I want BW to stop questioning their beauty,their worth and value. But i believe in cold/ethered truth.
Some BW need to get a clue...