What criteria does a Black person have to meet to be considered above the foot of white supremacy?
I wouldn't say there is much specific criteria other than fighting against racist tropes about Black people that white supremacy has implanted in the minds of all. It can be as simple as being a hardworking Black person who combats the lazy stereotype by going out and providing for their family. Obviously it can get more complex since most are in fact working for "the man", but you can't pretend to not see how working at a white owned grocery store as a cashier is different than allowing a white person to call you the n word and have you replay slavery for cash.
Now you're engaging in some ambiguity fallacy argument: "b-b-buh where do we draw the line? If I draw the word ****** on my chest for 10$, am I propagating white supremacy?".
She's wrong, you're wrong for defending her and
And in this thread you engaged in some hilariously bad hypocrisy.
White men made it a point to put both his image
and the image of white women as the standard. As a whole they were not silly enough, like some men, to think they were separate from the women of their race. When you decline the affections of your race of women in favor of white women, you are directly contributing to the trope of Black undesirability. And that is the truth regardless of whatever nonsense you tell yourself to make yourself feel better or more superior to black women who do the same. This is especially true when your race is not sitting on the top of a system of supremacy, but in fact at the very bottom.
At least
@Matt504 appears to be making a complex point about what Black people have had to do to survive within a historical context. You and the hypocrites dapping you have made up some fallacious argument about how its 'less wrong' for Black men to be with white women purely based on your sexual desires and nothing more. White women taught their sons to be racist and had Black men murdered by those sons whenever they felt like it. They made merry and brought their children to picnics where Black men were hung and gutted. You are not fooling anyone but yourself and the other Black men thirsty for white acceptance that your bed bucking is somehow better than Black women's.