you may be right about me being a poor judge of character but that has nothing to do with the discomfort i feel in social situations and the dread of them that i have and the comfrot i find in not having people physically around me.
the thing about me is i can live my life and be cool with it and i can see you live your life and accept we are different. people like you accept your own life but you see or hear about what i have to do and you either have to insult me, psychoanalyze me, or ridicule me.
you can't look at me and go he chooses to live that way and it's ok. you instead have to call me weird, not normal, sad or whatever. why can't you accept that they way you, hell the way the majority see the world everyone isn't like that? there are people out there with different perspectives and values than you.
Naw, I actually respect where you are in life because you keep it real and don't front about shyt.
You see in TLR that always object to people that identify themselves as introverts but claim to have a great mouthpiece with women and able to light up a room when they feel like it.
id rather have winb's attitude than phony superficial friendships