Neo. The Only. The One.
Disney + Wilson Fisk, there's a difference 

There's another one from Brazil where she's filming, and the dude is about to walk away but she keeps running her mouth.I dont know why these women think men with guns wont kill them?!?!remember that woman who was calling the neighbor a p*ssy dude had the rifle in his hands and she was still egging him on...
Fam, you buggin. THe best thing she could have done was reason with him, the 2nd best thing she could have done was RUN. I know the further I get from the barrel the better chance I have for survival a buck shot a point blank could do considerable more damage than at 25 feet.Y'all blame her for recording. She was dead to rights. It's the best thing she could've done. Sure she could've ran and got her back tore up with bird shot and got the back of her scalp blown off and bled to death in the driveway. Then he'd be on trial saying she came at him with a knife and they would've been arguing self defense. And he really could've gotten 6 months. We know he did it, we know she didn't fight back or attack him. He should get the gas chamber but this is America. He'll be out before 2030.
You can't reason with someone who has their mind made up. You can't reason with someone who is intent on killing you. There's no magic or secret combination of words or pretty pleases that's gonna work.Fam, you buggin. THe best thing she could have done was reason with him, the 2nd best thing she could have done was RUN. I know the further I get from the barrel the better chance I have for survival a buck shot a point blank could do considerable more damage than at 25 feet.
There's another one from Brazil where she's filming, and the dude is about to walk away but she keeps running her mouth.