Pac & Jada had a brother sister relationship.
Pac did love the shyt out of her though.There was a book written by Angela Ardis called Inside A Thugs Heart.
She put together all the letters Pac wrote her while he was in prison and put them in a book.
In one letter, he told her that he was in love with two women at the time.One of them was the girl he married while in jail, but the other woman, according to Pac, was a lesbian who loved women.He said he couldn't make it work because he wanted a traditional relationship.
He didn't just come out and say Jada, but it's quite obvious who he was talking about.Jada has been rumored to be a lesbian for years
She wuz probaly just goin thru a phase,one of them chicks that got treated bad by dudes so started thinkin they wuz lesbians.....I know a lot of those....if I remember correctly on oprah she talked about drinking a lot and being loose,and said nice guys like pac in highschool wuznt her type....she ended up with Will tho

seems happily married....sad sum women out here will rather try lesbianism than a nice guy,nice guy is the last resort

y'all gotta stop that ladies.
But I'm reading parts of the book now I remember a part in there about pac living with and sleeping with sum married woman...leila steinberg,jasmine guy,jada?I don't remember if she wuz married while pac wuz alive but I remember her dating Will....but anyway my niggga Pac wuz serious about getting them flicks in jail

...this wuz before u could use facebook in prison I guess...nikka pourin it on thick,ima steal sum of his shyt to make myself sound deep to these hos
Inside a Thugs Heart - Angela Ardis - Google Books
And am I missing sumthing why aren't we supposed to believe Willow wrote this letter?or is it the pacs alive part u mean...y'all actin like y'all wuznt writin letters to santa clause just a few yrs ago u young azz bucks