Albums Willie The Kid x V-Don - Deutsche Marks IV (Discussion Thread)

Aug 3, 2017
This is complete flames 🔥

Having my way :banderas:

Vdon and wtk got some of the best chemistry in the game.

This, Rome streetz/daringer album and stabbed and shot 2 are all fresh new bangers
Willie should be put out there as one of the core leaders of the New underground wave. That is from 2015-Now, I consider the staring date as that’s when the Griselda boys made noise and most people became aware and other street rappers jumped on the wave. But Willie after tried for 3-4 years the down south east coast sound mix with all those DJ Drama features(2007-2009) But he found his footing around 2010-11 when he started working with one producer only(Trend started by Dj Muggs in 2005) Who remembers the EP with Lee Bannon? I wish he could reissue that one in physical form. Then the LP with Alchemist, then Bronze Nazareth. His pairing with V-Don is the final boss shyt, rest is history. I looked at my collection(CDs, cassette, vinyl) and realized that I owned a lot of WTK materials. Salute WTK, a Goat.