Naw you don't
You're just fishing for e-daps. And I know you are because you decided to use this incident and then immediately combine it/move it to "he's attacking a black woman/women" narrative. Only dap fishers like yourself do that on this board.
I know this is a hard concept for you to comprehend, but if your aim is to get daps, then you post what is most likely to get you daps.
My position on this isn't one that is shared by the majority, therefore, how could you possibly believe I'm trying to get daps?
It's hilarious to me how you inadvertently admitted your gimmick was to protect Black men from what Black women say in another thread (and you're well aware that this position is held by many other posters on this board), yet here you are trying to deflect from your methodology, which is in fact, one that you know cotdamn well is a position that gets you daps on this board, more than whatever it is you think I'm guilty of.
Again, it's just ad hominem because you can't debate what I actually said. Our entire exchange has been you resorting to this tactic. Notice how you haven't even attempted to address my actual argument or point out the holes in my logic and reasoning, whereas I've just destroyed yours and am waiting for you to realize your argument is dead.
Bringing up the fact that Kanye's mother is Black is relevant here for two main reasons:
- the first in which the main criticism around Kanye's conduct is almost entirely based upon him throwing Black folks under the proverbial (either through what he subjects himself to, or what he says about others).
- the second being the perpetuality of the state of just how damaging this is to our race.
Willie D's post is guilty of doing the same thing that y'all are going at Kanye for; using the innocent as proxy to fight against our own in front of the world, muddying the waters even more of an ocean that's already filled with our own blood. The fact that this is lost on you tells me your position in that other thread was just you bullshytting and/or you're telling on yourself once again with the projection you're showcasing in here.
What Willie did is not more sinister. Kanye made a cognitive decision to have a sit down with a well known cac supremacist on his cac supremacist/anti black network/show and then shyt on his mother to that audience. Which he knew would then be broadcasted to the entire world. That's one of the most sinister and worst premeditated c00n acts I've ever seen.
Why did you even bother posting this?
It's clear none of your opinions are anything you've come to on your own, you're just once again regurgitating some vague, hyperbolic talking points that the majority are posting. I know this because you're not even attempting to counter what I say, you're just repeat back the same shyt as you can't see the point right in front of you.
You said Willie is making himself look worse than Kanye by saying what he's said, which one the dumbest statements I've seen on this board all week. Nobody but his delusional stans think or would say that with the anti black bullshyt Kanye has done this past week. And that is why I'm calling you a Kanye stan.
"That's one of the dumbest statements I've seen on this board all week"
"Nobody but his delusional stans think or would say that with the anti black bullshyt Kanye has done this past week"
"You're a Kanye stan".
You're even turned into a caricature of yourself (which was a caricature to begin with).