Right now they've got The Miztourage and Jinder w/ The Singhs, but those are more one guy and some mooks rather than a stable where everyone is treated as a threat. Down in NXT, they've got SaNity and CFO/Undisputed/whatever Cole, Fish, and O'Reily are going by, but we have yet to see what they make of that. Also, both groups will likely get broken up once they're called up.
They broke up the Wyatt Family, which was the final nail in the coffin for Bray, Luke, and Erick. I still say The Shield haven't been as good apart as they were together. The Social Outcasts were only a jobber group, but people liked them well enough...and they still broke them up in the draft. The New Day is still together, but that's only because they've told the company that they will quit if WWE ever tries to break them up. The women got the Welcoming Committee, but that was just a vehicle to get Charlotte over ("Charlotte has these women so shook they're teaming up!") and was never going to last.
They had The Club popping for a while with AJ; broke them up in the draft. They refuse to put Finn with Gallows and Anderson even though none of them is doing anything worth a damn. There were rumors of doing a new Evolution with Joe and Owens, but that was clearly abandoned if it were ever in the works.
WWE, if whatever reason, just is not into the idea of groups.They de-emphasize tag teams, and break of teams/stables at the drop of a hat.