These replies are disturbing
I’m not sayin this particular story is true, but to act like it’s beyond the realm of comprehension
All i know is there were rumors about Will and Jada’s lifestyle for years …and they turned out to be true.
Then you factor in Tisha Campbell—-not some random, the man’s wife herself ——has hinted at some weird shyt between them. And she made some cryptic comment when the august Alsina (who has since come out as gay) situation came out:
“The truth always comes out in the end, no matter how hard anyone tries to hide it. Lies are just a temporary delay to the inevitable”
Bottom line at this point it’d be more surprising if he was NOT gay
Yeah its too many rumors out there. In Jada book tour they even asked her on Live TV about the gay rumors I think on the Today Show. I know she had to have been caught off guard. And this was Cable News not Mediafakeout asking about it
Toure brought up the rumors on his podcast and she laughed it off
30 minute to 31 minute mark

Jada already came out as Bi or at least admit she was in her book when she was younger. She laughing in that clip but she not outright saying Will is not Gay lol. Idk i feel like she covering for dude