Will Smith Collateral Beauty Trailer

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga

:lupe: Y'all agree?

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

1). In a year when black men and women are being hunted like deer and slaughtered, there's no WAY black audiences are dying to see a feel-good tear jerker about Cacs going out of their way to help a black man through his grief. The movie would've done better being marketed as it truly is, about fukked up people looking to fukk over a man who lost his child for their own personal gain.

2). There's no way in HELL this movie should've been released against Star Wars. It baffles the mind that the studio thought that was a good strategy. White people the world over were always going to pick SW over this. The onlynWill Smith led movie that would even stand a chance against SW would be a sequel to one of his other box office smashes.


Nov 13, 2013
even the Washington Post felt it was necessary to warn people:mjlol:

Those ‘Collateral Beauty’ trailers are lying to you
By Stephanie Merry December 16

The trailers for “Collateral Beauty” are everywhere, so you probably have a pretty good sense of the movie. Or so you think.
It’s okay to be a little verklempt. In what appears to be a fairy tale fable, Will Smith plays Howard, a man who lost his young daughter but finds hope again when he’s visited by three abstract concepts: Love, Time and Death show up in personified forms (played by Keira Knightley, Jacob Latimore and Helen Mirren), and implore him not to lose hope. His only child died, but they don’t want him to give up on life.

Taking place around the holidays, the whole thing carries a whiff of “A Christmas Carol,” with the three visitors echoing the ghosts of Christmases past, present and future. The trailer also indicates that this could be a modern-day “It’s a Wonderful Life,” with its blend of real-world problems and festive sorcery. And the story seems so clearly engineered to make viewers cry.

But guess what? That’s not what the movie is about. At all. It comes out today, so it would benefit would-be movie-goers to know the truth. And don’t yell at me about spoilers; I’m only giving away what happens at the beginning of the movie.

Love, Death and Time are not angels. They’re actors, and they’re paid tens of thousands of dollars to mess with Howard’s mind. He runs an ad agency and owns 60 percent of the company, but business is down since so many of the accounts rely on personal relationships with Howard, and Howard has been a shell of his former charismatic self since his daughter passed away. His three best “friends” (played by Edward Norton, Michael Peña and Kate Winslet), who are also his co-workers, want to sell the company, but they know Howard won’t agree. So they hire the actors to have conversations with the grieving man.

The schemers plan to film the interactions then edit out the three actors to make it look like Howard is crazy (while also making Howard think he’s crazy), so that they can take over his company and make a fortune from the sale. This icky behavior is softened somewhat by the fact that each of the friends is going through his or her own struggles with love, death and time (the concepts, not the fake people).

“Collateral Beauty” isn’t the first movie trailer to mislead viewers. It isn’t even the first holiday movie to do that. “The Family Stone,” for example, looked like a lively romantic comedy from the teaser, only to turn out to be a cancer movie featuring some very bitter people.

Of course, false advertising doesn’t necessarily mean a movie will be bad, but the fact remains that the “Collateral Beauty” trailer is a glaring case of bait-and-switch. If the movie still sounds appealing, then by all means, go see it. But it’s only fair that you know what exactly you’re getting into.

Those ‘Collateral Beauty’ trailers are lying to you


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
even the Washington Post felt it was necessary to warn people:mjlol:

Those ‘Collateral Beauty’ trailers are lying to you
By Stephanie Merry December 16

The trailers for “Collateral Beauty” are everywhere, so you probably have a pretty good sense of the movie. Or so you think.
It’s okay to be a little verklempt. In what appears to be a fairy tale fable, Will Smith plays Howard, a man who lost his young daughter but finds hope again when he’s visited by three abstract concepts: Love, Time and Death show up in personified forms (played by Keira Knightley, Jacob Latimore and Helen Mirren), and implore him not to lose hope. His only child died, but they don’t want him to give up on life.

Taking place around the holidays, the whole thing carries a whiff of “A Christmas Carol,” with the three visitors echoing the ghosts of Christmases past, present and future. The trailer also indicates that this could be a modern-day “It’s a Wonderful Life,” with its blend of real-world problems and festive sorcery. And the story seems so clearly engineered to make viewers cry.

But guess what? That’s not what the movie is about. At all. It comes out today, so it would benefit would-be movie-goers to know the truth. And don’t yell at me about spoilers; I’m only giving away what happens at the beginning of the movie.

Love, Death and Time are not angels. They’re actors, and they’re paid tens of thousands of dollars to mess with Howard’s mind. He runs an ad agency and owns 60 percent of the company, but business is down since so many of the accounts rely on personal relationships with Howard, and Howard has been a shell of his former charismatic self since his daughter passed away. His three best “friends” (played by Edward Norton, Michael Peña and Kate Winslet), who are also his co-workers, want to sell the company, but they know Howard won’t agree. So they hire the actors to have conversations with the grieving man.

The schemers plan to film the interactions then edit out the three actors to make it look like Howard is crazy (while also making Howard think he’s crazy), so that they can take over his company and make a fortune from the sale. This icky behavior is softened somewhat by the fact that each of the friends is going through his or her own struggles with love, death and time (the concepts, not the fake people).

“Collateral Beauty” isn’t the first movie trailer to mislead viewers. It isn’t even the first holiday movie to do that. “The Family Stone,” for example, looked like a lively romantic comedy from the teaser, only to turn out to be a cancer movie featuring some very bitter people.

Of course, false advertising doesn’t necessarily mean a movie will be bad, but the fact remains that the “Collateral Beauty” trailer is a glaring case of bait-and-switch. If the movie still sounds appealing, then by all means, go see it. But it’s only fair that you know what exactly you’re getting into.

Those ‘Collateral Beauty’ trailers are lying to you
i read a review about this movie on Friday and saw all of this and was like :wtf:

Thats absolutely disgusting.


Jul 16, 2013
finally saw this, the movie is damn good in parts, and damn bad in parts....the damn good parts: will, his wife, and their interactions with love death time trying to deal with their daughter's death....the damn bad parts: the subplots with his coworkers...not the part about them trying to sell the company from up under him, that actually works...it's the subplots with each coworker involving love death time...those shyts were unnecessary and over the top bullshyt....take those parts out and focus the movie on will's story & the interactions with love death time, and you got a damn good movie....but since you cant do that, the movie overall ends up being aight....cause the damn good parts outweigh the damn bad parts, slightly lol....