Ross said as a CO he did illegal things in there. What I'm saying if that's true then to talk about that. But if he was a goody 2 shoes then yes that's another lie.
Some of rap's biggest superstars were marketed well because of their story which led to their success.
NWA (controversial, began violent content of hip hop)
Eminem (white, but controversial never heard before content)
50 Cent (got shot 9 times and lived, damn white people loved that ish. In middle school my teachers all knew him)
Drake doesn't necssarily have a story, aside from being an actor which he doesn't talk about much, but his versatility that he can sing and plays his position gets the younger crowd.
Now if Ross came out from the get go as a crooked CO (but changed his ways) he wouldve blown up with the mainstream audience. Thats some motion pictur ish, a cop in the system who helps those behind bars while deceiving his colleagues.
The main thing I hate about Ross is how his picture was shown multiple times and he kept denying it lol like wtf. Now throughout the years he makes continuous lies for his reasons.
Given who we're talking about what do you think is more likely.. that he actually did do dirt as a CO or that it's yet another lie made up in a desperate attempt to justify him getting exposed for the 100th time?
The fact that we're even talking about make believe scenarios and characters for him to pretend to play speaks to what a joke this guy is. I get that you're looking at it from the angle of what would make him sell more records, but that's the same mentality that he came into the game with and as a result he's now lost his dignity as a man and is looked at as the biggest fraud in the music industry since Milli Vanilli