I brought home 3 TVS from best buy during Christmas time....2 were 60 inch LEDs in which I took back. First one was a sharp and it was garbage and i wont even link it. Second on was
LG - 55" Class - LED - 1080p - 120Hz - Smart - 3D - HDTV - 55G2 - Best Buy
I took that back also because IMO the picture didn't seem natural.
After talking with the manager for a while he suggested I go plasma, so I end up getting this:
Panasonic - 55" Class (55-1/8" Diag.) - Plasma - 1080p - 600Hz - Smart - 3D - HDTV - TC-P55ST50 - Best Buy
Most people don't know this but if you speak with the managers @ best buy you can haggle the prices. I talked him down to 900 bucks and he threw in a pair of glasses (it's uses active 3d, so the Panasonic glasses was $80. I later learned that the Samsung active glasses which are only $20 are compatible with it also)
I was skeptical about plasmas at first from hearing about image retention problems, butive had no problems so far on my set. I plugged it in and after playing with the settings I was like
I'm a silver member at best buy so I also got them to come out and calibrate it for free. Even if you don't get it professionally calibrated the settings menu is so deep that you can set it perfect to your eyes.
Bruh I know plasmas looked washed out in store displays but the picture on this is so damn crisp. If you play a lot of video games latency is basically non exsistent. sports look great also....
That said only problems I've had with it is that I like the "soap opera" effect and the motion smoother jitters a lot so I have to turn it off to keep from getting dizzy. Also the App menu moves slow but I have a roku so I don't really use the app/widgets at all. If you don't mind paying a little more you could always cop the GT series that has a faster processor.
Look up some reviews on it, youll see it's problly one of the best TVs on the market.