@ "It eased some of the pain of the artist's death"
People put too much emotion into these celebrities
without celebrities,...in american history.
black people would still be sharecroppers.
the affectionate word for indentured servitude or commonly referred to as slavery.
this world and now this country is working on applied knowledge of the happenings of poor people from a discovery zone.
that started in the thirties to the turn of the century.
after that wrinkle in time,....they are now using that discovery zone period knowledge or applied knowledge.
to forever make every person, not born into the old money castoff's from the revolutionary war and british migration.
the only people of worth in this country period,...
we are now living the dark ages purposefully created for their prominence.
if youbthink the world is changing or changed for the better you were fooled.
the world is as it has always been,..if you thought so.
you were just fooled by programs with short shelf lives put in place.
to extract and learn the data necessary for putting programs built off of applied knowledge into place
the good you saw, or lived in.
was only a discovery period to create the applied knowledge.
used to begin making people of a lower economic background extinct, or monetary slaves.
who do not fit into previously made good ole boi's stratum or economic plan.
that requires a fooled drone filled public.
who are easily fooled and swayed into their desrtuctive wicked systematic thinking built sociological structures.
the penal coloney of the united states of america,..welcomes you to babylon,...
art barr